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Sisters in Christ

Pursuing Holiness
Sisters in Christ is a women’s ministry focused on leading women to an intentional response to their call to holiness by teaching them how to live out their identity in Christ. It is women who support one another in their pursuit of holiness.
The ministry provides the means by which women will be led to an intentional response to their call to holiness by teaching them the tools necessary to live out their identity in Christ through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
Sisters in Christ is a 3 year journey (AWAKEN, ARISE, and MAGNIFY)
designed to form a solid interior life from which flows a missionary desire to serve God in the fullness of our gifts and charisms.
Sisters in Christ is sponsored by the Brainerd Catholic Churches
and Transformed by Love Ministries
Check out our
Sisters in Christ
YouTube Channel
You will find videos of talks from the
weekly gatherings.


The 3 Year Journey to Discover the Real You
"Before I Was Me"
Claiming your Identity in Christ - Gain an understanding of your real belief system and the "me" that you see. Unwrap, understand, and close the gaps that keep you from becoming the "me" that God sees.
"The Path to Holiness"
Formation of the Interior Life - Learn what holiness is; the spiritual stages of the soul; and the tools you need to become holy.
"Becoming Small"
Responding to the Call to Mission - Discover your gifts and charisms and the personal mission that God has created you for.

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